Default value for <BASEFONT>?

Bon soir Arnaud,

(Or are there other people who read www-html-editors?
It's always Arnaud who writes me back.)

Here's another item that is possibly an error.  In
the spec says:

> If BASEFONT is not used, the default base font size is 4.

In practice, 3 seems to be the actual default size used by browsers.
In HTML 3.2, BASEFONT is given a default of 3:

> <!ELEMENT BASEFONT - O EMPTY    -- base font size (1 to 7) -->
>     size    CDATA   #IMPLIED    -- e.g. size=4, defaults to 3 --
>     >

If you intend to redefine the default, I think HTML 4.0 should
be explicit and say the default is being redefined.

Most likely, I think this is just a mistake, am I right?
E. Stephen Mack <>
(408) 395-2748

Received on Thursday, 17 July 1997 01:45:02 UTC