Comment on HTML4


I was looking through the draft specification for HTML4.0 (Dated 8/7/97),
and wondering whether it had resolved what I have in the past found
to be a problem.  This is associated with attaching captions to images,
the draft of HTML4.0 does not yet appear to solve this.

/----------|  What I would like to be able to do easily is to have a
|          |  picture aligned left/right, with a caption (above/below).
|          |  What I often do is allow this to be linked off to another
|          |  resource.  Typically this image is a thumbnail, and the
------------  link is to a larger higher quality image, the caption also
  cccccccc    give some idea of the size of the full image as well as
              naming it.  Of course a caption can be just a title.  Now
in existing HTML(3.2) the image can be aligned left/right, but not the
caption.  The only partially satisfactory way I have found to resolve
this has been to use a table.  But this does not allow the text to flow
around the image in a natural way.  It is also very dependant on the
font/screen width and other attributes of the viewer (untidy).

Suggestions :-

1.  Allow a caption as an attribute to an image.  Although this might
work, it could get rather messy if the caption needs to be more than a
few words and itself to include any markup.

2.  A construct of the following form:-
<group align=left etc><img...><br>caption</group> or something like that.
The group takes on the layout attributes that would normally apply to the
image and apply them to the whole of the group.  The group could of corse
have ids, classes and similar attributes.  This method would be a general
method that could group any number of objects and apply alignment to

3.  Anything else that works.

Richard Proctor

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Received on Wednesday, 16 July 1997 10:37:44 UTC