
I have a simple question/recommendation for WD-object-970218 (Inserting
objects into HTML).  Is it possible to use text/html for the TYPE=
attribute which would incorporate a section of html that is stored in
another file?  This would be like a "client-side insert" as opposed to
the current "server-side inserts" which use the form <!--INSERT

The advantages of this would be the same as those of server-side inserts
(e.g. saving space by allowing commonly used code to have its own file)
plus the added benefit of "cacheing" so that in subsequent HTML
documents where the same fragment is referenced there would be no
download time.

I feel that this should be an integral part of the <OBJECT> tag that is
currently being considered for use in the next version HTML.

I apologize if my question is due to ignorance of the current WDs.  I
searched them to the best of my ability, but I am not familiar with all
of the terminology and standards.

GREGORY MARTIN PFEIL          Composer & Guitarist
Renaissance Productions Inc.  Internet Site Design
pfeilgm@jmu.edu     UIN: 235067

Received on Friday, 23 May 1997 17:26:32 UTC