Comment on Cougar WD-htmllink


A comment on the LINK tag examples in :

Things like

    <LINK REL=stylesheet MEDIA=print HREF="corporate-print.css">
    <LINK REL=stylesheet MEDIA=screen HREF="corporate-screen.css">
    <LINK REL=stylesheet HREF="techreport.css">


    <LINK REL=alternate LANG=fr HREF="mydoc-fr.html">

are really a form of content negotiation.  The IETF http-wg has been
working on this issue for some time.  In particular, we are close to
completing work on an extensible `variant description' format, with
semantics that allow a recipient to automatically judge the quality of
the different variants, and choose the best one.  This format will
capture things like `MEDIA=print' and `LANG=fr'.

The variant description format and semantic model is currently
contained, along with a lot of HTTP-specific stuff, in the internet
draft draft-ietf-http-negotiation-01.txt.  A HTML version on this
draft is on the homepage for HTTP content negotiation at .

Seeing an increase in the interest in metadata, we are considering
whether we should take out the variant description stuff and put it in
a separate internet draft, so that it is more easily accessible to
other groups.  Would you be interested in having such a thing?


Received on Tuesday, 13 May 1997 15:39:47 UTC