Re: formface, ajaxforms ...

> Would your XSLT forms enable easy display of forms for view only 
> purposes, such as a printed document rather than a form that can be 
> filled.
Do you think of forms with only "xforms:output" elements ? If so, 
XSLTForms can surely process them.

The first step is an XSLT transformation and it can be processed on a 
browser or on a server because XSLT 1.0 is well supported in almost 
every environment ! The XPath 1.0 expressions parsing is performed by 
the transformation.

The generated Javascript instructions have to be executed by a browser. 
XSLTForms includes its own XPath 1.0 compiled expressions engine written 
in Javascript.
> How much work would it be to include such type of functionality?
If you consider printing from a browser, it will work as is. If you need 
an (X)HTML page without Javascript to be executed or any other XML 
format, the XSLT stylesheet has to be modified accordingly.

Don't hesitate to contact me privately for more information.

Best regards,

Alain Couthures
Bordeaux, France

Received on Friday, 8 May 2009 08:53:11 UTC