regarding XForms 1.1 Test Suite

Dear Working Group,

first of all thanks for the tremendous work that has been put into the
test suite. It really helps to improve the quality of our

But there's still room for improvement ;) As a server-side
implementation we have big interest to run the test suite on as many
browsers as possible. But doing this by hand is time-consuming. It
takes at least a day to run through all the tests and record the
results just for one browser on one operating system. Using the tests
for regression testing is therefore nearly impossible. We would also
get much more reports from users by providing an automated test tool
which can be run on their specific browser and operating system

Of course it would be great to formalize the assertions in an language
independent format but that also seems to be a big job. A more
pragmatic approach that already would help a lot would be to assign
ids to all relevant elements in the forms like triggers, controls and
submissions so they can be accessed more easily by the testing tool of
your choice.

If there's interest we would be willing to give a helping hand to
accomplish this task.


Joern Turner
(for the Chiba Project)

Received on Wednesday, 17 June 2009 21:40:26 UTC