Re: visualizing an instance


Clear drawback of #1 is that you have to modify the XForms. Also,  
fields such as xforms:select will require more complex XPath  
expressions to show the label associated with the selected item.

I usually prefer solution #2: mark the instance as "read-only" so that  
all controls do not allow input. Note that since readonly-ness is  
inherited, this can be done with a single bind on the root element of  
your instance:

   <xforms:bind nodeset="instance('my-instance')" readonly="true()"/>

In Orbeon Forms, we have, in addition, a page-wide configuration  
property which allows showing all readonly controls not as grayed-out  
but with a nicer appearance, making the page ready to be printed or  
saved as HTML.


On Jan 5, 2009, at 6:50 AM, Jabba Laci wrote:

> Hi,
> How to visualize data that was collected by an xform? I can see two  
> solutions:
> (1) Use an xform that is similar to the original data collector, but
> all widgets are replaced by "output" widgets. The XML template in the
> head is replaced by the given XML data.
> (2) Use a similar xform to the data collector, but "grey out"
> (disable) all the widgets. This way, the user cannot modify anything.
> The XML data is loaded to the head part.
> Which one do you suggest? Or is there a better way?
> Thanks,
> Laszlo

Orbeon Forms - Web Forms for the Enterprise Done the Right Way

Received on Monday, 5 January 2009 04:30:14 UTC