Test Suite Report for XSLTForms


As suggested by Leigh Klotz, I write this note to say that I have 
produced a partial implementation report for XForms 1.1 with XSLTForms 
(http://www.agencexml/com/xsltforms/), my opensource project.

Anybody can access it at this link : 

It has been updated according to the last Test Suite I downloaded at 

It is, of course, possible to click on each test to see how it works 
with XSLTForms.

No manual modification has been applied to the Test Suite but, because 
an XSLT 1.0 transformation is required to first convert XForms to 
XHTML+Javascript, the corresponding processing instruction is 
dynamically added by an XML script which is executed on my web server 
(Apache+PHP5. Submission action attribute is also changed to avoid cross 
domain limitations. For CSS stylesheets to be accessed from XSLT 1.0, a 
document element is added to transform them into well-formed XML documents.

Just green colored tests are effectively passed, while yellow colored 
tests are only partially passed and red colored tests are not passed.

Because XSLTForms is just at a beta version, there are numerous non 
passed tests due to lack of some data types or functions (even if they 
can easily be added...). As usual, some misplaced bugs can block many 

Tests have been performed mainly with FireFox 3.0.6 but also with 
Internet Explorer 7 and Opera 9.62 (there are still some bugs with 

Because of the lack of namespace axis support in the FireFox XSLT 
engine, 2 tests (7.2.a and 7.2.f) don't work only with FireFox (the same 
prefix for the instance and the bindings should be used for the 2 tests 
to be passed with FireFox). CSS rendering performed by Internet Explorer 
might differ from what other browsers do.

I would appreciate a reference to XSLTForms being added in the "XForms 
Implementations" page 
(http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/XForms_Implementations). Is it 
possible ?


Bordeaux, France

Received on Saturday, 28 February 2009 18:01:14 UTC