xf:output, @mediatype and @value


recently Mozilla XForms got a bug report [1] that the following is not

<xf:output mediatype="image/png" value="'xml.png'"/>

Expected behavior was displaying the image. The real use case for this
remains unclear (you could just use a html:img in that case or whatever
the host language provides you to display images).

While the fix is straightforward, a question remains:
Are we always supposed to treat @value as anyURI if @mediatype is set to
"image/*"? Orbeon seems to do this for at least this case as well [2].
Are there other cases where we should/could make such an assumption?

A clarification would be greatly appreciated.


[1] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=507621

Received on Tuesday, 11 August 2009 21:08:25 UTC