Repeat within HTML table


While testing EMC Formula XForms engine, I have discovered this in the 
specs :

Thus, one might wish to use element |repeat| within a |table| to create 
the rows of a table, where each row of the table binds to a distinct 
member of a repeat collection 
Since |html:table| doesn't  (and perhaps  never will) allow 
|xforms:repeat| elements as children, another syntax is needed.

It appears that it is not a constraint for XSLTForms to use 
xforms:repeat under html:table so I would like to know if it is still 
considered as a real problem, if it's forbidden or not.

Thank you for your answers.

Best regards,

Alain Couthures

Received on Tuesday, 4 August 2009 12:21:35 UTC