XForms to XHTML using XSLT


After studying AJAXForms, I have been able to integrate its main Java 
parts inside a unique XSLT 1.0 stylesheet. I have already tested it 
successfully, on client-side transformation, with Internet Explorer, 
FireFox and Safari (there is some nasty bug in Opera XSLT engine about 
embedded apply-template with select attribute within call-template...) 
and loading time is good !

AJAXForms performs a conversion of every XPath expression to Javascript 
objects using Jaxen capabilities so I had to analyze XPath expressions 
with XSLT 1.0 only (some named templates with a stack mecanism based on 
strings manipulations...).

It is now an only pre-alpha version at 
http://sourceforge.net/projects/xsltforms/ (axis not yet supported,- 
unary operator not well supported, ..., different bugs in Javascript 

Bordeaux, France

Received on Thursday, 30 October 2008 13:25:10 UTC