saving the data of an xform


I'd have another question: how to save the collected data of an xform?

Currently, I'm making experiments with the XML DB eXist, because such
a database seems to be the easiest way to store XML data. One problem
is that if I specify the name of the output file in the xform (e.g.
http://localhost:8080/exist/rest/db/data.xml), this file will be
overwritten each time the form is sent. That is, the output file
should change each time. One idea is to add a timestamp suffix to the
file name, making it unique. Can it be done on the client side? Or
should it be done through a servlet?

Another thing that troubles me is that if I save the data from an
xform directly to eXist, there is no feedback whether the storage was
successful or not. Because of this reason I'd prefer to control the
saving procedure from a servlet. In that case generating a unique
filename is not a problem.

Or what is the preferred way for this?



Received on Tuesday, 25 November 2008 23:45:45 UTC