submit doesn't appear as button

Got a newbie question.  I have a simple xform with two input fields and a single submit button.  The input fields show up correctly, but the submit does not show up as a button.  The submit label appears but there is not button.  I have tried example xforms from the web and they all have the symptom..  Not sure what is wrong.

My xform looks like...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="" xmlns:ev="" xmlns:xforms="">
  <submission id="form1" method="form-data-post" action="http://localhost:8080/dls/forms/letter" ref="/Template"/>
<input ref="Client_ID">
<label>Client ID</label>

<input ref="Advisor_EmployeeID">
<label>Advisor Employe ID</label>

<submit submission="form1">

Received on Thursday, 12 June 2008 14:35:37 UTC