namespace question


I have a small puzzling problem. I have an XForms document where the 
default namespace is declared as so:

<html xmlns="" ...

(with all the other namespaces there too)

Then, in one of the instances, the default namespace is declared as empty:

<xf:instance id="text_instance">
   <tei:TEI xmlns=""> ...

But then, when this instance is submitted, it shows up as:

<tei:TEI xmlns="" ...

I would like to get rid of this default namespace declaration. I would 
rather not have to use a non-default namespace for the XHTML elements. 
Shouldn't the xmlns="" inside the instance override the xmlns="http..." in 
the ancestor html element?

Does anyone have any ideas? I'm using Firefox ( I can ask 
on the Mozilla XForms list if anyone thinks it is a implementation 
specific problem.

A copy of the form is here:



Received on Friday, 11 July 2008 14:25:51 UTC