load element question


I'm reading the 1.1 spec for the xf:load element.  It seems to be more 
clear and more detailed than the 1.0 spec and I just want to confirm my 
suspicions.  Am I correct to assume that to be a conforming processor, 
an implementation should try to navigate the URL in the resource/binding 
attr and if it is reachable then we do whatever @show says to do, like 
replace the document or open a new window.  However, if the URL is NOT 
reachable, we should just dispatch a xforms-link-error event and NOT 
replace the document or open a new window.  Is that correct?  So 
processors should no longer show any 4xx errors or 5xx errors?

Any feedback appreciated,

Received on Saturday, 26 January 2008 01:01:54 UTC