Re: Forms TF Process

On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 14:35:34 +0100, Mark Birbeck <>  
> Speaking for myself, I don't see a strong case either way. I'm keen to
> see XForms relate much more directly to 'traditional' HTML forms, so
> that authors and implementers have a natural path from one to the
> other. But whether that should encompass HTML 5 Forms I'm less certain
> of--one could argue it both ways.

It would be useful I think if the Forms WG could clarify its position on  
this. It has always been my understanding that the Task Force was formed  
because HTML Forms were not deemed acceptable.

> (The 'for' is that it would of course be good if the W3C had a
> coherent and consistent forms vision. But the 'against' is that the
> design goals of HTML 5 seem to be quite different to the approach
> being taken with language modularisation, illustrated by such things
> as @role, RDFa, and now XForms, that this may simply not be possible.)

The major showstopper as I see it is not feature-wise (@role, etc.) or how  
you write the language down (modularization or not), but how you deal with  
how <input> works today and how it works in XForms. How <form> works today  
and how it works in XForms, et cetera. Given that what's in HTML 4, DOM  
Level 2 HTML, and in browsers is more or less locked down (with the  
exception of experimental extensions of course) it seems impossible to  
bridge the gap.

> I would suggest that the next step is for the XForms WG to get out a
> draft of some of these ideas, and then you guys can take a look and
> see if it works for you.


By the way, is  
an accurate reflection of what was said, because XForms 1.2 is not an  
agreed deliverable of the Forms TF...

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Thursday, 28 February 2008 12:01:07 UTC