RE: XForms and Adobe Forms - WAI Version 1 AA Compliant

Xerox uses the Chiba product in some of our products, for accessibility
We author our dynamic forms in XHTML+XForms, and use Chiba to produce
either Javascript-enhanced or fully static (with refresh button) pages.
This feature of Chiba was a big selling point for us, and we hope other
middleware implementations adopt it.

We also use the Mozilla XForms extension for testing, though we do not
use it in production as it's not ready.

Finally, we wish IBM would offer assistive technology for XForms, so
that users who choose to could access our XForms-based user interface
pages without reliance on our middleware.  The intent that we author
directly in our markup (or more accurately, generate with templates)
would be available more directly to end users of assistive technology.


Received on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 00:09:39 UTC