New simplify loan form example for XForms for HTML

Hi All,

Here's the latest simplify loan form example for XForms for HTML
implemented  with the  Ubiquity XForms library.

This example is written in HTML namespace.

There are 2 examples available.

1. Loan form with output element. This example works only on Firefox 3.
    If you load it in IE, you will see all the output elements are
missing.. it is due to the fact that
    IE doesn't recognize non HTML element in HTML namespace. Here's the link:

2. Loan form with span element as output. This example works on both
IE 7 and Firefox 3, Link:

The submission does work remotely on IE 7 and locally in Firefox 3,
here a reference for how to twist your
browser for cross domain submission

Please let me know if you have any comment.



Received on Saturday, 13 December 2008 00:44:49 UTC