Re: Testing for listItem

Hi Frederik,

The first thing to do is make your test include a space, since that is
the delimiter in a list of items:

  contains(flavors, 'a ')

That stops 'a' getting mixed up with 'ab'.

Of course, the problem now is that if the item you're testing for is
the last in the list then it won't have a space after it; you will
therefore also need to change the item you are testing against:

  contains(concat(flavors, ' '), 'a ')

I haven't tested that, but I recall having to do something along these
lines quite a while ago. (It's also much the same as you would do in
JavaScript when testing for @class values.)

All the best,


On 18/10/2007, Frederik Elwert <> wrote:
> Hello!
> I just was wondering how I can test for a specific listItem in a
> variable of type xforms:listItems.
> I have a select that offers several options:
>         <select ref="flavors" appearance="full">
>            <label>Flavors:</label>
>            <item>
>               <label>Vanilla</label><value>v</value>
>            </item>
>            <item>
>               <label>Strawberry</label><value>s</value>
>            </item>
>            <item>
>               <label>Chocolate</label><value>c</value>
>            </item>
>         </select>
> Now I have another item that should test if "Chocolate" was chosen, e.g.
> in a "relevant" property. How can I achieve this?
> Using XPath functions as "contains()" seems a bit strange, since I could
> have values like "a" and "ab", so
>         contains(flavors, 'a')
> would match "a" as well as "ab".
> Is there a proper way? I can't use structured markup and itemset, since
> I need HTML forms compatibility.
> Thanks,
> Frederik

  Mark Birbeck, formsPlayer | +44 (0) 20 7689 9232 |

  standards. innovation.

Received on Thursday, 18 October 2007 14:06:42 UTC