xforms:copy binding query


I am seeking some clarification about how the XForms copy element
(http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-xforms11-20070222/#ui-adv-copy) should

My question is whether it should be possible to use xforms:copy on
different xforms:select controls to copy different element nodes into
the same target node?

For example, say I want to have 2 select controls that use use
xforms:copy to populate the data node in the following...


In this case I would bind both of my select controls to the data nodeset
and by selecting two values from both controls I would hope to get
something like the following result...


Is this allowable? It may be that I cannot bind two different controls
to the same target node. Any clarification of this would be much

Many Thanks
Rob Walpole
Devon Portal Developer
Email robert.walpole@devon.gov.uk
Web http://www.devonline.gov.uk

Received on Monday, 1 October 2007 19:41:52 UTC