Re: Preparing to launch the Forms Task Force ...

On Mon, 12 Mar 2007 19:17:53 +0100, Håkon Wium Lie <>  

> My gut feeling -- and I only speak on behalf of my own gut -- is that
> trying to create a new W3C draft in parallel with WHAT WG will be an
> insurmountable challenge for any editor, and confusing for
> implementors and users. I would therefore nominate Ian to continue his
> role as editor in the new HTML WG, thereby building on the work of the
> WHAT WG. This seems faster, more efficient, and a more peaceful.

You speak on behalf of me as well, Håkon -- I completely agree with you..  
Starting from scratch seems like a very wrong thing to do considering how  
far we are from scratch with all the work that has been put down into this  
in WHAT WG. I also feel that Ian is a good choice for editor, also  
considering the work done in WHAT WG.

I'm not sure what the forward motion with regard to the HTML WG's  
relationship with WHAT WG should be like, but (from the charter) «The HTML  
Working Group will actively pursue convergence with WHATWG, encouraging  
open participation within the bounds of the W3C patent policy and  
available resources» seems to allow for continued and parallell work as  
well as a merger between the WHAT WG and the newly founded HTML WG.

Asbjørn Ulsberg     -=|=-
«He's a loathsome offensive brute, yet I can't look away»

Received on Monday, 12 March 2007 19:16:29 UTC