Re: XForms and XML Signatures : How to get the presentation layer?

 Well my basic question still hasn't been answered! :)

What should I ask the user to sign?
the whole XHTML Doc? Or is there some magical XSL transform that will
let me store the whole presentation layer + instance data to a XML

Again, if I sign the XHTML doc , there could be changes to the
external stylesheet ...

Now, I know what the problems are and why we all are stuck. I think
that right now there really isn't a method to enable really strong
signatures that can't be repudiated by any human (like saying the
"virus did it" or "you could cover it with some other label and it
wouldn't matter" etc.), but my question is about what is maximally
technically feasible as of now? What is the strongest digital
signature you can generate right now? Also, is there any form of
XForms + XHTML Signing being used anywhere ? (like the e.g in "Secure
web forms with Client side signatures" by Mikko Honkala )

Once again, I could be wrong , so please correct me if that is the case .


Received on Wednesday, 20 June 2007 11:43:15 UTC