Re: XForms and APP clients

Hi Nikunj,

I've worked with APP, and with XForms, but I'm having trouble
understanding the issues you're raising. Do you think you could try to
break them down a bit, perhaps giving some sample code that you'd like
to have working, but it doesn't?

For example, I don't understand what you mean when you say you can't
render an atom:link as an xhtml:link. Do you mean as xhtml:a?

I also can't quite work out what the simpleContent issue that you are
referring to; could you explain that a little more? Is it essentially
that you can't display a hierarchy of elements in a particular way?

Sorry to reply with questions. :)



On 30/05/07, Nikunj Mehta <> wrote:
> Elliotte Harold wrote:
> >
> > Has anyone yet written or started work on an XForms client for APP? I
> > googled but didn't find anything. If the space is open I may take a
> > crack at it myself.
> >
> > I think XForms 1.1 would be required since XForms 1.0 does not support
> > PUT and DELETE.
> >
> Apart from the challenges introduced by the event + form model (which by
> the way simplify many things in the end), a limitation I find with
> XForms in its proposed incarnation (1.1) is that the XForms model is
> quite closed ended when it comes to content. It chooses xs:simpleContent
> as the basis for producing and displaying form instances.
> A major consequence is that rendering atom:link as xhtml:link is not
> going to be supported in the proposed revision. Another consequence is
> that the various content models in atom such as atom:title,
> atom:summary, atom:content, etc. cannot be rendered meaningfully if
> their contents are anything other than text.
> I was very hopeful today when I started investigating creating a simple
> browser + XForms based APP client, but quickly realized that without
> support for xs:complexContent, I would end up working around the
> standard that I might as well wait for the issues to be resolved in the
> Forms WG.
> Anyone have more positive experience with XForms for APP? I'd surely
> love to know.
> ....Nikunj

  Mark Birbeck, formsPlayer | +44 (0) 20 7689 9232 |

  standards. innovation.

Received on Friday, 1 June 2007 02:18:32 UTC