Re: Reset and insert actions

Hi Rafael,

>From what I can tell here, everything you described can be done with 
straightforward invocations of the insert action in XForms 1.1. 

You could copy the starting state of an homogeneous collection to some 
location on model construct done, or you could have a multi-row start 
state already in an instance that you copy into your main data when the 
user activates a trigger. 

John M. Boyer, Ph.D.
STSM: Workplace Forms Architect and Researcher
Co-Chair, W3C Forms Working Group
Workplace, Portal and Collaboration Software
IBM Victoria Software Lab


"Rafael Benito" <> 
Sent by:
10/24/2006 05:31 AM


Reset and insert actions

Hi all,
the reset action accepts a single attribute for the model to reset. It 
would be useful for authors to add a second optional attribute @instance 
to reset a single instance rather than the whole model. The same effect 
could be accomplished using a sequence of setvalue, insert and delete 
actions; but anyway it would be simpler to add @instance. In data entry 
applications it is a common case to enter some general info and, then, run 
through a loop entering data, sending them and then starting again the 
loop but keeping the general info introduced at the begining of the form 
execution. For this kind of applications, it would be useful, as you can 
store general info in ino instance and the rest of the data in a different 
one which is reset for every iteration.
In any case, the reset implemetation requires that the processor 
"remembers" the initial state of the model. This fact draws me to some 
other thoughts: in Xforms 1.0 there was a problem with the insert action 
when the last node of an homogenous collection is deleted. This was solved 
in 1.1 through the use of conditional actions and changes to the insert 
action. Nevertheless, it would be simpler for authors to let the processor 
 "remember" the "structure" of the homogenous collection (rather than the 
initial state, because it could contain several rows and that is not what 
we want) and let the insert action work correctly, even if nodeset is 
empty but this was not the case for the initial data. In case the author 
wants to insert nodes with a different structure, he can still do it using 
the @origin attribute of the insert.
Rafael Benito Ruíz de Villa
Director Area e-business
Móvil (+34) 617 314 293

Avda. Europa, 34 A
28023 Aravaca
Telf.: (+34) 91 708 90 00 / 91 211 03 00
Fax: (+34) 91 708 90 90 / 91 211 03 90

Received on Wednesday, 25 October 2006 01:09:09 UTC