- From: Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 14:28:12 +0100 (BST)
- To: www-forms@w3.org
As promised, I have been working on a series of experiments on incremental extensions to HTML forms with a view to stimulating thinking about potential stepping stones to full blown use of XForms. You can explore my work at: http://people.w3.org/~dsr/forms-lite/ This involves experimental proposals for several new attributes for the HTML input and fieldset elements, and is designed to reduce the need for client-side scripting for web-page forms, whilst being a easier to work with than the XForms syntax. It should be straightforward to transform into the XForms markup when needed. This work reuses attribute names proposed for WebForms 2.0 and XForms where practical. The examples use a JavaScript library to interpret the additional attributes and seems to work on IE, Firefox and Opera, but see the caveats at the end of this email. The library has yet to see extensive testing so be gentle and please report any problems you find. I hope to add support for using Ajax to load and save forms as XML, and to export the markup for the XForms data model. The library can be deployed as a 6 Kbytes gzipped file and as such isn't onerous on desktop browsers. It is released as freeware under the terms of W3C's software license. Here is a summary of the new attributes and what they do: calculate This is used with the input element for spreadsheet like formulae for calculated fields, e.g. calculate="x+y" where x and y are names of other form fields. The forms-lite library takes care of the dependencies between calculated fields using a topological sort. pattern This is used with the input element to constrain input to match a regular expression. additional values for the input type (or datatype) attribute In particular, number and date. For dates, the value entered by the user is converted into a standard form, e.g. 11 oct 2006 becomes "Wed, 11 Oct 2006". In principle the date type could be used with a browser provided date picker. min and max attributes These are both used on the input element in conjunction with the number or date types, and constrain the value to be between the min and max values supplied with these attributes. range and step When the type attribute on the input element is set to "range", the user interface changes to allow the user to select a value between min and max, at increments defined by the step attribute. The library can be customized to alter the user interface associated with the range control. validate The validate attribute is used with the input element to supply an expression over form fields that evaluates to true or false, e.g. <input name="y" type="number" validate="y > x"/> which says that this field value must be greater than the value of the field named "x". required (or needed) This is an expression like validate but requires the user to have filled out a value for the field. The library evaluates expressions by first rewriting them and then calling the JavaScript eval function. relevant This may be used on HTML input and fieldset elements to indicate when the associated group of fields is relevant. It is an expression similar to validate. The library dynamically adds or removes class values so that the style sheet can be used to hide the fields when they are shown to be irrelevant. Such fields are not included when the form is submitted. repeat This attribute is used on the fieldset element when the associated controls form part of a repeating group, e.g. as in a sequence of line items in a purchase order. It so happens that Opera 9 has implemented WebForms 2.0 in such a way that causes problems for using the required and type attributes. My work around is to also support the use of "datatype" as a synonym for "type", and "needed" for "required". I have dynamically added and removed class values to reflect the current state of form fields. In principle, this could be replaced by the pseudo classes defined by the CSS3 Basic User Interface module, e.g. :invalid and :read-only, although these would need a native implementation to support them. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-ui/ I would also like to see CSS support for determining which user interface control is used e.g. a slider with a numeric display or a text box with spin up/down for range controls, In closing, note that this is experimental work and hasn't been subject to the rigorous testing needed for commercial products. My aim is to continue to improve the library as I become aware of problems. If you are interested in helping with testing and further development please let me know. Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org> W3C lead for multimodal interaction http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett +44 1225 866240 (or 867351)
Received on Thursday, 19 October 2006 13:28:38 UTC