- From: David Landwehr <david.landwehr@solidapp.com>
- Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 08:04:51 +0100
- To: www-forms@w3.org, www-forms-editor@w3.org
Dear Working Group, I would like to suggest three changes to the behavior/algorithm of the master dependency graph. 1) The current specifications states that if the dependency graph isn't acyclic then a xforms-compute-exception must be dispatch which terminates processing. I would to suggest that to be changed in a way where the form isn't terminated since there might be ways the processing could still continue by the help of the author/user. So instead the values could be a predefined value (e.g. NaN) or a value defined by the implementation (would be more useful since that would allow the implementor to create a numeric estimate). I believe this would align the behavior of the XForms calculation engine to the behavior of spreadsheets software. 2) When collection dependency nodes for building the master dependency graph it is clearly specified that reference to the current node's value is ignored. I would to suggest this to be changed so it is not ignored but instead say something like that references to the current node's value does not make a dependency on it-self which means that a change to the value in the xforms-recalculate processing will not loop for ever, but a single change will cause a single computation of the value. This will enable forms that has the following type of bind/@calculate: <xforms:bind nodeset="a" calculate="if(.>100, 100, .)"/> 3) Today the following type of binds: <xforms:bind nodeset="/a/b/c" calculate="../d[number(/a/@pos)]"/> are static between rebuilds since the predicate expression /a/@pos is considered to create dynamic dependencies. I would like to suggest that this type of expression is not static between rebuild but updated in the xforms-recalculate processing. This would mean a change to @pos will update <c>'s value but also change the dependencies for the /a/b/c expression to exclude the previous <d> and include the new <d>. This will put a harder restriction on the implementor, but will enabled flexible forms. To implement such a behavior the implementation might have to performed the topological sorting for every recalculation (since it is a O(n) algorithm I believe it would be feasible). I hope you will consider these suggestions. Best regards, David -- -------------------------------------------- David Landwehr (david.landwehr@solidapp.com) Chief Executive Officer, SolidApp Web: http://www.solidapp.com Office: +45 48268212 Mobile: +45 24275518 --------------------------------------------
Received on Tuesday, 21 March 2006 07:04:58 UTC