RE: XForms and InfoPath

I recently found a sourceforge project which uses XML Schemas for generating XForms controls within XHTML documents.
I must confess that I haven't tested it yet.
As far as I know XFormation also offers a nice feature for schema-generated forms.
Take a look at <> 
Hope this helps.
best regards,


	Von: [] Im Auftrag von Tamasoiu Simina
	Gesendet: Dienstag, 07. März 2006 09:07
	Betreff: Re: XForms and InfoPath
	Thanks for your reply! 
	I already have a standard XML schema. The problem is that is very large and indeed, contains a lot of rich text and recursivity. And i dont know whether i can integrate these 2 items into XForms. This schema was integrated into InfoPath, but now that we want to replace InfoPath with Xforms i cannot use anything from the InfoPath stuff.. :)And i only have the schema as a starting point. Any oppinions of how could i do that?
	Im looking forward for your answer. 

	Jason Bailey <> wrote:

		I've spent a lot of time using Infopath and Xforms together. I don't think 
		this is a good way to work. Infopath, for example, doesn't produce text 
		only xml and so some of the xml (rich text) produced by Infopath would not 
		be readable.
		I think it would be better, if possible, to re-write the schema to 
		standards rather than use Infopath's schema. Not sure if that helps! 
		Infopath uses a lot of rich text boxes which I don't think will translate 
		to xforms, will they?
		--On 06 March 2006 01:24 -0800 Tamasoiu Simina wrote:
		> hello everyone!
		> I'm pretty new to XForms, but I have to learn to use them for our new
		> project.
		> The project concerns integrating a XML Schema into XForms. The form
		> derived from the schema is currently used with Microsoft's InfoPath. All
		> I have to do is replace InfoPath with XForms.
		> Can anyone give me an advice of how to start? Are there any tools that i
		> can use to implement, edit XForms?
		> I would also want to know if recursion is supported by XForms.
		> i would appreciate it if you could help me out a little bit!
		> simina
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Received on Tuesday, 7 March 2006 08:33:35 UTC