Mark -- I'd like to reinforce your comment, below:
>>Another possibility for multiple models in one form is MarkB and
>>Raman's idea of using complete XForms as form controls. Obviously
>>that isn't catered for at the moment, but it is a neat idea.
Multiple models will be a key issue when we start to explore XForms
components in more detail. The implementation I showed in Cannes in
Eclipse, and the one we're completing now in Mozilla, both export an
XForms model as the interface between each component and the enclosing
form. You can view this as an extension of John's argument about portals
driving multiple models. Portals are coarser-grained, but similar to
components in that the final page rendered to the client depends on the
interaction of multiple models whether at the root level (portal) or
nested (components).
Thanks, Charlie