Re: Styling based on instance data

Perhaps my case is slightly different, styling based on a control's bound 
node's value.

On thing along these lines that I've wanted to do is:

<style type="text/css">
xforms|*::value[content="blue"] { background-color: blue; }

Where the implicit attribute "content" would enable things like having 
select's item be blue as well as the select's value being blue (when 
choice of "blue" of course).

- Steve Speicher

"Klotz, Leigh" <> wrote on 11/30/2006 06:37:00 PM:

> Itwouldbeniceif you could use CSS to style the background of repeat
> items yellow if they are "selected" in the data using some magical CSS
> XPath selector:
> <style type="text/css">
> repeat.lines::repeat-item[xpath(boolean-from-string(instance()/lines/lin
> e/@selected))] { background-color: yellow; }
>   ...
> </style>
> <repeat class="lines" nodeset="lines/line">
>   <input ref="@selected">
>     <label class="columnHeader">X</label>
>   </input>
>   <output ref="date">
>     <label class="columnHeader">Date</label>
>   </output>
>   <output ref="name">
>     <label class="columnHeader">Name</label>
>   </output>
> </repeat>

Received on Monday, 4 December 2006 18:37:58 UTC