Discussion area for XForms CSS

Hello all,

I had an action item recently to set up a discussion area for XForms
CSS, which I've placed here:


The idea is that interested parties work together to produce a common
CSS file that will handle as many different implementations as
possible. I've kicked it off with some of the obvious rules, such as
those for ::disabled and xf:input/xf:alert, but I've only done so in
an IE way. So there is no support for 'proper' namespaces, 'proper'
pseudo-classes, etc.

For example, I've added the following rule for :disabled, as it
applies to formsPlayer (both plug-in and Ajax editions):

    display: none;

However, an implementation that supports 'proper' pseudo-classes would use this:

    display: none;

These are easy to add, but I wanted to get the space up and running
first, so haven't done so yet. I'm particularly keen to hear from
people like Joern, Erik and Francisco who have script-based
implementations, and are therefore dealing with cross-browser
issues--what sort of style rules are you using at the moment?

Other things to think about would be media rules, particularly if
people have experience with different devices.

Comments can be added to any of the pages, and I'll periodically work
any comments and suggestions into the main prose. There is also a link
to an SVN directory that contains a CSS file with the combined style
rules, as well as some image files (used for check-boxes and radio



Mark Birbeck
x-port.net Ltd.

e: Mark.Birbeck@x-port.net
t: +44 (0) 20 7689 9232
w: http://www.formsPlayer.com/
b: http://internet-apps.blogspot.com/

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Received on Wednesday, 30 August 2006 14:46:55 UTC