Re: Dynamic @action attribute on xforms:submission


I have implemented the ATV method but I also ATV for many of the  
XForms attributes so the @action is just one of them.

Best regards,

Den Apr 19, 2006 kl. 7:24 PM skrev Erik Bruchez:

> All,
> With XForms 1.0 and 1.1 draft, it is not possible to dynamically
> specify the @action attribute on xforms:submission. However, in these
> days of REST, it is obviously necessary to be able to do that.
> How have implementors addressed this? The following solutions come to
> mind:
> o Handle @action as an attribute value template, for example:
>   action="{instance('my-instance')/image- 
> name}/etc"
>   Benefits: very flexible; XSLT does it so we are not reinventing the
>   wheel.
>   Drawbacks: XForms doesn't use attribute value templates anywhere at
>   the moment. Users will expect that avt will work in other places as
>   well!
> o Extra attribute on xforms:submission, such as @action-ref.
>   Benefits: does not introduce avt.
>   Drawbacks: another attribute to remember; requires @action to be no
>   longer required; doesn't scale to other attributes; *-ref attribute
>   names are not nice-looking ;-)
> Any other ideas or suggestions?
> -Erik

Received on Wednesday, 19 April 2006 18:31:30 UTC