Re: xforms:item and xforms:itemset: label and value bound to non-existing nodes

On 4/18/06, Erik Bruchez <> wrote:
> I am not sure that the spec is very explicit on this matter. Consider:
> <xforms:item>
>    <xforms:label ref="some-label"/>
>    <xforms:value ref="some-value"/>
> </xforms:item>
> Now what if "some-label" doesn't point to a node? This is probably the
> same as, say, an xforms:input label not pointing to a node. Does this
> mean that the XForms engine handles:
> o The label as non-relevant?

Yes, it is a form control, so it should be non-relevant then.

> o The label as an empty string?

Hmm, it's not bound to anything at all, so "null" would be more correct I guess.

> o The whole item as not available for selection?

And here comes the tricky part :)

I would say that if a value is non-relevant, the item should not be
choosable in a select(1), no matter the state of the label. (I would
go for not displaying the item, but with a relevant label, you could
possibly show a non-selectable/greyed-out label).

A non-relevant label with a relevant value... I cannot see the use of
it, but the item should then have a blank label? I'm not sure about

> Same question when "unrolling" the xforms:itemset. Say you have
> something like this:

I think whatever behaviour is defined for an item, also goes for the
"unrolled" items in an itemset.

... Allan

Received on Wednesday, 19 April 2006 08:36:52 UTC