Re: Digging through section 6.2.1 / multiple types for an element

Allan Beaufour wrote:
> I'm trying to follow you. You are saying that 1) bind type="" only
> specifies type (validation) information which is handled seperately
> from the schema attached information, and 2) it might be used for
> presentation purposes, but you do not care how. Or?

Oh my, I hope I'm not adding to the confusion... Allan, John, could you 
please comment on the following example:

In a form, I have an instance consisting of just one element:

In said form, there is also a control bound to that node
<xf:input ref="/my:element"><xf:label>input</xf:label></xf:input>

Right now, there is obviously no type information of any sort associated 
with our node. The type-MIP is thus xsd:string (6.2.1-4).

(A) Now, if there was a schema associated with the instance, which set 
my:element to be of type xsd:date, would section 6.2.1-1 require that 
the type-MIP for my:element be set to my:date?
If not, should a control be able to know about the type of the node 
(i.e. have access to the type information by other means then the type-MIP)?

(B) What if the instance is <my:element xsi:type="xsd:date">...? Would 
this have an effect on the type-MIP and is this case any different from (A)?


Received on Tuesday, 11 April 2006 11:53:43 UTC