Re: Binding to nodes that do not exist

<xf:group ref="if(string-length(name(/path/to/the/node)) >
0, /null, .)">
            Add New

where /null is a node that never exists.

It´s not very nice but ... it works.


Le jeudi 08 septembre 2005 à 11:32 -0400, Ogbuji, Chimezie a écrit :

> I have a scenario where I need to display action buttons to trigger a
> process for 'adding' nodes to an XForms instance (an 'Add New' button,
> for instance).  However, I'd like for these buttons to be displayed
> only if the node in question does *not* appear in the instance.  I
> can't figure how this could be done since the mechanism for binding to
> instance nodes depends on whether or not the binding XPath evaluates
> to a nodeset or not.  I could use the XPath 1.0 'not' function
> (wrapped around the path to the node), but that would only return a
> boolean value of 'true' which would cause any control/group bound to
> it to *not* appear (since it's not a nodeset with size).  Is there an
> easy solution to this problem that I'm overlooking?
> Chimezie

Vincent Berger <>
Agence France-Presse


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Received on Friday, 9 September 2005 07:41:02 UTC