Re: @number attribute on xforms:repeat

Robert Bull wrote:
> Excited by this thread (c:, I have been trying to create a form that uses a
> repeat as a look up list, ie gradually filtering the xPath expression that
> the repeat is based on according to user input.
> I'm trying to create a nodeset with an expression similar to a SQL "Like",
> and change the like as the instance data changes during data entry; am I
> going too far out of the xForms box here?
> Rob
No I would say that what you are trying to do is exactly inside the 
xforms box.  I assume you are using a relevant on a nodeset so that the 
nodes are made not relevant based on your xpath expression.  I know this 
should work in the Mozilla world as the xpath support is very good, 
other browsers may have trouble with complex xpath expressions, 
depending on their level of compliance with the specs.


Received on Tuesday, 29 November 2005 20:52:41 UTC