The Unloved HTML Button and Other Folktales

A long, long time ago in a far, far-away land, there lived an HTML Button.

It lived happily with its parents, Mr HTML and Mrs Form, and its siblings: the 
older brother Text Entry Box and younger sisters, Drop-down List and Radio 
Button. As a family, they didn't look like much, but they got on with things. 
Indeed some would say that they had been second thoughts since grand-parents, 
Netscape, Microsoft, Apache and Berners-Lee, preferred to fawn and 
monopolistically squabble over cousins, Blink and Marquee Tag, the mobile duo, 
Java Applet and ActiveX, and the gruesome but quietly efficient twins, CSS and 
JavaScript. Let's not forget the ugly outlier, the Behaviour, and that perennial 
favourite of old Sir Tim, Semantic Purity. Still those pragmatic matchmakers, 
Fielding and Andreesson got together, sacrificed a few goats on the altar of 
sloppy expediency and dotcom hubris respectively and got the marriage together. 
The good Reverend HTTP was the officiating priest. Thus they called for a great 
many festivities and plenty palm wine and Schnapps was consumed by the merry 
populace. Yahoo! and Google, they ululated as they devoured the fatted Browser calf.


I thought this little bit of advocacy might be of interest in these parts...

(Now to write the code...)
Koranteng's Toli: the blog edition

"Just because a lizard nods its head doesn't mean it's happy."
- old Ghanaian proverb

Received on Friday, 13 May 2005 05:58:29 UTC