Re: xforms processors not required to make UI reflect the state of the model on bootstrap

Stefano Debenedetti <ste <at>> writes:

> Hello,
> if XForms processors are mandated to make the user interface reflect the state
of the model only as a result
> of the xforms-refresh event's default action, then it seems that this is not
required to happen during the
> initialization phase.
> xforms-model-construct explicitly states that xforms-refresh is not performed 
> xforms-model-construct-done fails to specify whether an xforms-refresh should
> Or am I missing something?
> Thanks, ciao
> ste

Hey Stefano,

There is nothing I've seen that says that the form can't be initialized and
properly reflect the state of the model without the firing of a xforms-refresh.
xforms-refresh might only be generated by the processor when a user's
interaction with the form requires bound controls on a model to be updated.  Of
course, form authors can dispatch xforms-ready events whenever they see fit,
especially when they've been playing around with the form via script.

Remember that it doesn't make sense for a processor to fire an xforms-refresh
until controls are bound to the instance data in the model, and that doesn't
happen until right before xforms-ready according to the note in 4.3.5.  So no
real need for it during initialization.

I hope that this helps,

Received on Monday, 2 May 2005 18:48:21 UTC