Mozilla/Firefox XForms Plugin Status Update


    In case anyone is interested in tracking the status of the upcoming 
XForms plugin/addon for Mozilla browsers such as Firefox allow me to 
highlight the blog by developer Allan Beaufour who posts a status 
update almost weekly.

    The last status update dated March 21st reads as follows:

  Checked in

We’re doing some “behind the scenes”-work for the moment, so the only 
thing new thing is support for inline schemas (bug 285207).

Coming up

It’s the same patches from the last couple of weeks that are lurking. 
We’re working on the extensions, select, and types for attributes.

New UI architecture?

Probably of more interest is a new architecture for the user interface. 
We’re investigating whether it’s feasible for us to detach the UI from 
the code and bind it together using XBL, so we can create the visual 
representation in f.x. XUL/JavaScript. It would also allow the form 
author to create custom widgets for existing or new datatypes. Let’s 
see where it leads us … more about that later on.

Easter is coming up, so do not expect too much progress the next week 
:) Have a nice Easter.

   Find out more @

    - Gerald
XUL News Wire -
XUL Alliance  -

Received on Thursday, 24 March 2005 18:56:58 UTC