Re: xForm Processor

Chiba ( is one possibility. It's a server 
side implementation that uses Apache/Tomcat.



Kianoush Eshaghi wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I have already read a lot of  things about xForm technology, and I got
> the knowledge about the theoretical backgraound of this. But I want to
> apply xForm technology to practice.
> The reason of my using xForm is that some HTML site should be created
> and when an user fill in the form and submit it, than some xForm
> Processor should create any neutral XML data, which can sent to some
> application (e.g. XML Web Service). First requirement is that respective
> User Interface should be created in HTML because Plug-in for web browser
> will be avoided so that each web browser will be able to show respective
> forms.
> I need for my project some appropriate tool, which meets my
> requirements. Is there some tool for this work? I appreciate any tips
> and pointers.
> freundliche Gruesse / best regards
> Dipl.-Ing. Kianoush Eshaghi     T +43 1 74040-652
> METADAT - The Architect for Knowledge Networks

Received on Wednesday, 23 March 2005 18:20:54 UTC