RE: Well formed XForms

Hi Steve,

XFormation 2.0 provides some new functionality which makes identifying
whether the XForms you have written is valid and conforms to the XForms

I have put a screen shot of the sample1.xhtml on, to illustrate this.

XFormation uses different icons to identify whether the document has parsed
against the relevant schemas. It uses the XHTML and the XForms schemas. If
you look at the screen shot  you will notice that the HTML elements are
identified as blue icons, the XForms elements identified as red and you see
that there is an orange icon named label. This identifies that the element
label has not conformed to the schema.

If you now look at the second image I have dragged the element onto the
input label. This has parsed correctly against the screen and identifies
that the element is valid.

You can also use the document validation feature which you can run against
the document. This will also highlight errors against the Schema plus
additional contextually errors.

I hope this helps.



Note: There seems to be a problem locating the 1.1 dtd so when you open it
up there is a remote server time out. To get the sample1.xhtml working
simply comment the doctype out. We will look into why this is currently

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Brimley []
Sent: 14 March 2005 10:27
Subject: Well formed XForms


I have been try and get to grips with XForms by looking at sample XForms
code together with the XForms spec.  One of the samples I am looking for is
at  It contains code
that dissociates labels from form controls.  Most of the labels are like
this but here's a fragment as an example:

	  <tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
	    <td valign="top" bgcolor="#eeeeee">
		  <xf:label id="b8">9</xf:label>
	    <td valign="top" bgcolor="#eeeeee">
		  <xf:label id="n8">
		    Add lines 7 and 8a.  These are your <b>total
	    <td align="right" valign="top" bgcolor="#eeeeee">
		  <xf:input ref="/f1040ez/section03/line09"/>

This doesn't seem to conform to the definition of a label in the spec since
there is no "containing form control":

8.3.3 The label Element
This required element labels the containing form control with a descriptive
label. Additionally, the label makes it possible for someone who can't see
the form control to obtain a short description while navigating between form

So my question is; is the sample code well formed or not?


Steve Brimley
Technical Director, Toplevel Computing
Phone 01453 753955

Received on Monday, 14 March 2005 13:24:08 UTC