- From: <Peter.Rushforth@statcan.ca>
- Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 13:30:08 -0400
- To: <www-forms@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <AB38021D12570A4AB907F442AE548807011A75E6@stcem04.statcan.ca>
Hello, I have a schema for which I am building an xforms document. The schema calls for a repeated complex-content element (attr), within which there is a choice (attrdomv/edom | attrdomv/rdom etc) of one of four complex-content elements. I want to allow the user to choose between the four, leaving the other three as irrelevant at submission. This should be available for each (attr) element in the repeated element group (ignoring the need for a repeated "detailed" element). Does Xforms support such functionality? What would be the recommended method to achieve this? I note that switch/case within repeat is not supported in Xforms 1.0, and there appears to be no mention of this in Xforms 2.0. In any case, I'm not certain that swictch/case would be a desired mechanism, because not only would I like to hide the complex content of unselected choices, but I would not want to submit them either; I'm not clear on how the relevant model item property is manipulated for unselected cases. Any light this group could shed on the matter would be appreciated. Peter Rushforth 613-951-3890 | facsimile / télécopieur 613-951-0569 Peter.Rushforth@statcan.ca Statistics Canada | 120 Parkdale Avenue Ottawa ON K1A 0T6 Statistique Canada | 120 avenue Parkdale Ottawa ON K1A 0T6 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada
- image/gif attachment: schema.gif
Received on Thursday, 16 June 2005 01:31:39 UTC