Re: How to use insert and delete actions

On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 11:57:09 -0000, Mark Birbeck <>  

> Having said that, some implementations *incorrectly* process a xf:delete
> action that has an @ev:event on it, so without knowing what  
> implementation
> you are using I can't say whether your xf:delete is being executed or  
> not.
> If it *is* being executed (which is wrong), then the evaluation problem
> remains. If the implementation you are using does execute this, then I  
> would still recommend that you remove the extra @ev:event, since this  
> will prevent the action from being executed if you run your form on  
> other processors that do not run the action, due to [1].

While Mark is right that the ev:event on the delete may as well be  
removed, since it is in the wrong place, it ought to be pointed out that  
it is his personal opinion that such an action should not be executed, an  
opinion that is not shared by everyone.

His interpretation is based on the text at
whose normative value is currently under discussion within the Forms  
working group.

Best wishes,

Steven Pemberton
Chair, W3C XForms Working Group

Received on Tuesday, 8 February 2005 12:49:24 UTC