Re: does xforms:instance() change context?

Hi Adrian,

/code will point to a node in the document which is used for context for the expression. E.g. the document will be determined by the node from instance('observations')/data, so if you expected that /code would always go to the default instance then that would not be true. You must in such a case move the context back to the default instance using the instance() function, e.g. 

instance('observations')/data[instance('default') != 'foo']

Best regards,

>>> Adrian Baker <> 04/14/05 7:15 am >>>

Does the instance() function change the context node?

eg, if I have the following xpath expression

instance('observations')/data[/code != 'foo']

What should /code within the predicate be evaulated against ?


Received on Friday, 15 April 2005 06:22:43 UTC