How to change the order of repeat-items?

This is a good question.

You would need to rearrange the instance nodes, and the easiest
way to do this would be via an xpath extension function that
performs the sort 

>>>>> "Suzan" == Suzan Foster <> writes:
    Suzan> How do you change the order of repeat-items? I am
    Suzan> developing an application which often needs to reorder
    Suzan> a sequence, and I can't see any way of doing this with
    Suzan> actions. Do I need to use scripting for this, and has
    Suzan> anyone a good example of using scripting in xforms?
    Suzan> Also, how do I insert an xml fragment into a repeat
    Suzan> which is empty? As soon as I remove the last item in a
    Suzan> repeat the insert doesn't work any more. I am using
    Suzan> Netscape's IE plugin, xform document attached.
    Suzan> Regards, Suzan Foster.

Best Regards,
T. V. Raman:  PhD (Cornell University)
IBM Research: Human Language Technologies
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Received on Friday, 8 April 2005 21:16:40 UTC