RE: WWW2004 XForms Talk Slides by Steven Pemberton Now Online

Hi Gerald,

I think your response below shows you have substituted 
"the W3C leading the web to its full potential" with
"the W3C leading web browsers to their full potential."

Given the number of W3C member companies that are
NOT browser vendors, this seems curious.
Why should the W3C only support the advancement of the 
software produced by only those few members?

To me, this seems the opposite of the goal of leading
the web to its full potential.  The goal is to 
maximize software interoperability, maintainability
and ease of design.  In the case of XForms, these goals
are accomplished by having the same XML syntax for the
core processing model and data schema of XFDL forms, 
XHTML forms, VoiceXML forms, mobile forms, etc.

Also, on the notion of polling, this is an activity
that is usually done in a scientific manner, i.e.
the target population is rigorously identified,
determined to be sufficiently informed on the subject,
and most importantly, randomly sampled (or completely
sampled).  The things you are running which you are
calling polls do not have these properties.  Therefore,
it is a stretch to claim that they are a *good* way of
finding out anything.

Finally, regarding the relevance of XForms, there is not
a feature of XForms that is not in PureEdge's XFDL, which
we invented in the 90's because HTML forms simply weren't
good enough to solve 'real' problems.  Making XFDL a skin
for XForms has been a simple matter of switching vocabularies 
to achieve the same effects (while continuing to allow the
value-adds of XFDL shine through).  

Therefore, I think it would be fair to say that XForms draws 
some relevance from that of XFDL, which has an install base
in the millions at enterprise-level sites, some of which are 
listed at

John Boyer, Ph.D.
Senior Product Architect and Research Scientist
PureEdge Solutions Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gerald Bauer []
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 6:40 AM
Cc: Mark Seaborne
Subject: Re: WWW2004 XForms Talk Slides by Steven Pemberton Now Online

Hello Mark,

> How many browsers directly support Flash, or PDF for
> example?

  Well, my point was that the W3C is supposed to bring
together browser vendors/project and lead the web to
its full potential.

  However, it looks like the W3C is increasingly
irrelevant. If the W3C can't unite the browser
vendors, who can? Why doesn't the W3C lobby harder?
Why doesn't the W3C publish, for example, the
roadmaps/positions of browser vendors such as
Microsoft, Apple, Opera, Mozilla, etc?

  As everybody can see the secret backroom dealing is
getting us nowhere and the rich internet for everyone
will be lost.

> Are web based polls the next big thing? Maybe we
> should run a poll to find out.

  They surely help to find out how popular something
is. And I'm sorry if you can't deal with the results
that tell you that XForms is irrelevant.

  Why not put up your own poll and see if you come to
a different conclusion.

   - Gerald

Gerald Bauer
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Received on Thursday, 27 May 2004 17:57:02 UTC