Elliote Rusty Harold: W3C XForms The Next Big Thing?


   Elliote Rusty Harold (of XML in a Nutshell,
Effective XML, XML Bible, XOM and more fame) has
covered live last week's WWW2004 conference in New
York in his Cafe con Leche blog.

   This week Elliote wrapped up his thoughts and
looked back and writes:   

    Yesterday I wrote about what I didn't like at
WWW2004 (the Semantic Web). Today I'm going to write
about what I did like, because there was one
technology presented that really impressed me, and
that I think is going to be a key part of development
in the very near future, with an exponential growth
rate for the next couple of years. That technology is

Like many successful technologies before it (XML,
HTML, Java, Linux), XForms doesn't really let you do
anything you can't do today. It is not radically new.
It does not require reorganizing the way one runs a
business or develops software. Unlike the semantic
web, it does not require learning completely new and
unfamiliar areas of technology such as ontologies and
inference systems. What XForms does do is give
developers the tools to write a lot of the
applications they're already writing today much more
quickly, cleanly, and robustly.

I'm still learning about XForms, but what I see
impresses me a lot. 

   More @

  Do you share Elliote's outlook that W3C's XForms is
the next big thing after XML, HTML, Java and Linux?
Are there any alternatives to W3C's XForms or is W3C's
XForms the only option for creating next-gen forms in

   Please let us know what you think and post your
comments and thoughts.

   - Gerald

Gerald Bauer
Open XUL Alliance - A Rich Internet For Everyone |

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Received on Tuesday, 25 May 2004 10:48:53 UTC