Poll: What is your XForms Player of choice?


  To find the most popular XForms Player I've kicked
off a new Richmond Post poll asking "What is your
XForms Player of choice?".

  The contender line-up includes:

    * Chibacon Chiba
    * IBM XML Forms Package (Beta)
    * Mozquito DENG
    * Novell XForms Player (Beta)
    * Orbeon Open XML Framework
    * Oracle Mobile XForms Player (Beta)
    * Ripcord Technology nForms
    * University of Helsinki X-Smiles
    * x-port FormsPlayer
    * Other (Please Comment)  

   Cast your vote online today @

   - Gerald

PS: To find out more about the XForms contenders,
check out Micah Dubinko's xml.com Article titled "Ten
Favorite XForms Engines" online @

Gerald Bauer
Open XUL Alliance - A Rich Internet For Everyone |

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Received on Wednesday, 19 May 2004 00:03:36 UTC