RE: A note on <bind /> (similar to <group />)


> That is interesting. Is there backup for this in the spec today ...

I'd say that although it's a good candidate for clarification, the spec
already allows it.

The spec actually doesn't say whether @nodeset is optional or required
on xf:bind [1]. However, the schema (which is normative) *does* say that
@nodeset is optional [2]. This therefore leads to a number of possible
arrangements, many of which I believe are very useful.

For example, you could break this:

    <bind nodeset="task" readonly="true()" relevant="true()" />

into this:

    <bind nodeset="task">
      <bind readonly="true()" />
      <bind relevant="true()" />

Why is that useful? Well for a start it makes it easier to document what
you are doing:

    <bind nodeset="task">
        A task is not editable if complete
      <bind readonly="status='status#1'" />

        If the task is to send an email, then we need to
        know who to
      <bind constraint=

It also makes it easier to build 'packets' of business rules that can be
used in other places. For example, a company could have a company-wide
policy that if someone is applying for a loan larger than £5000, they
must provide a contact phone number:

    <bind constraint=
          amount &gt; 5000,

If this is then placed on a central server in the way Leigh described,
and XInclude is used to pick this up, one form might look like this:

    <bind nodeset="shortTermLoanApplication">
      <xi:include href="business-rules.xml" />

whilst another form might have this:

    <bind nodeset="studentLoanApplication">
      <xi:include href="business-rules.xml" />

The company's rules can now be changed in one place.

Leigh's use of <bind /> is a special case of this, where if you have a
number of rules in the central file, you would need to encapsulate them
all in a single xf:bind:

      <bind readonly="true()" />
      <bind constraint=". &gt; 7" />

The expansion (after include) would then be something like this:

    <bind nodeset="...">
      <!-- start inclusion of rules --->
        <bind readonly="true()" />
        <bind constraint=". &gt; 7" />
      <!-- end inclusion --->

> ... e.g. should an implementation do this today?

I believe they should. formsPlayer does.



[1] <>
[2] <>

Mark Birbeck
CEO and CTO Ltd.

Received on Thursday, 5 February 2004 10:31:06 UTC