Re: SVG scribble control?

What about:

<upload ref="pen/data" mediatype="image/svg+xml">

Note that the XForms rec specifically calls out the "scribble" 
technique, in section 8.1.6.


Dave Raggett wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>Has there been any consideration of an input control that collects
>pen trace data (scribble) over an image or a graphic represented by
>SVG?  For instance, a control showing a rectangular portion of a
>map over which you can make a gesture with a stylus or electronic
>In essence this is a kind of upload control but one which is
>specialized to collecting pen gestures over an associated
>presentation, which forms an integral part of the content, and
>as such can't be treated as part of the styling.
>Some possible designs:
> a) an XForms element with a link to the image/graphic
>    where the width/height is set via CSS
> b) an XForms element acting as a container for SVG
>Such controls would be valuable for composite multimodal input,
>for example, where you say "zoom in here" while drawing a rough
>circle on the map. When submitted, the form would contain a
>representation of the command (zoom) together with the ink
>trace data represented in XML, see
>It would then be up to a server-side script to interpret this
>data and to return the updated map.
>A refinement would be a way to just update the map, avoiding
>the need to reload the entire page.
>- -- 
> Dave Raggett <>  W3C lead for voice and multimodal.
> +44 1225 866240 (or 867351)
>Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

Received on Tuesday, 3 August 2004 13:43:46 UTC