W3C XForms vs Alternative XML UI Language Formats

It should be made clear that XForms is *not* a XML UI language
-- XForms is about an XML Forms architecture that uses an XML
model that can be bound to multiple UI languages 
--- including XHTML. In fact the real XUL challenge for
Mozilla/xul fans to bind an XUL UI to an XForms model.

>>>>> "Gerald" == Gerald Bauer <luxorxul@yahoo.ca> writes:
    Gerald> Hello,
    Gerald>   If anyone is interested in how W3C's XForms
    Gerald> compares to alternative XML UI language formats used
    Gerald> by Luxor, Jazilla, xWidglets, XMLFace, Ultrid, and so
    Gerald> on I invite you to check out the XUL Grand Coding
    Gerald> Challenge 2004 counter sample showcase gallery.
    Gerald>   See http://xul.sourceforge.net/counter.html for
    Gerald> more than half a dozen XML UI language formats in
    Gerald> action.  Thanks to Mark Birbeck for contributing the
    Gerald> FormsPlayer W3C XForms sample and screenshot.
    Gerald>     - Gerald
    Gerald> PS: You can find out more about the XUL Grand Coding
    Gerald> Challenge 2004 online @
    Gerald> http://xul.sourceforge.net/challenge.html
    Gerald> ------------------- Gerald Bauer Open XUL Alliance -
    Gerald> A Rich Internet For Everyone |
    Gerald> http://xul.sourceforge.net XUL News Wire |
    Gerald> http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.xul.announce
    Gerald> ______________________________________________________________________
    Gerald> Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca

Best Regards,
T. V. Raman:  PhD (Cornell University)
IBM Research: Human Language Technologies
Architect:    Conversational And Multimodal WWW Standards
Phone:        1 (408) 927 2608   T-Line 457-2608
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Received on Monday, 26 April 2004 10:33:42 UTC